Mobile Suit Gundam - RX 78 2

Saturday, January 7, 2012

#09 NG (NO GRADE)1/144 GT-9600-D Gundam Leopard Destroy Review

hello gundam kit collectors! today I am gonna finish up the review for the Gundam X series NG 1/144 model kits ^^, I am still hoping that I can get some time to finish up the review for G and W series. Well after we think of that, let's just start reviewing this kit.

  • Never had a problem separating and connecting parts!
  • solid build, nothing is falling off.
  • Gimmicks on the Gatling guns and rocket launchers are ok ( you can switch the arms into its gun barrels and open the cover of Rocket launcher ^_^)
  • no weight issues!
  • articulation is ok for a 1996 model kit
  • the front skirt is really stiff so you can bring the legs forward that much
  • the covering on the chest can scrape off some of the plastic on the chest Gatling guns and might lose its ability to lock on.
  • some gaps are present when building it
  • easy break some parts (I already broke the peg of the rocket launcher casing)

Kits related to this review.





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